Find out about who to contact at Jubilee Primary School
You should approach your child’s teacher in the first instance, to discuss:
2. Phase leaders
If you have previously contacted your child’s teacher but issues remain ongoing, you may contact the Phase Leader for your child’s phase.
Nursery or Reception: Kate
Year 1 and 2: Josh
Year 3 and 4: Sheilla
Year 5 and 6: George
You can email them by emailing the school on
3. Head Teacher or Deputy Head
You may contact Norma Hewins, Head Teacher, or Josh Cardale, Deputy Head Teacher, by calling the school on 0208 806 5446 or by emailing to ask for an appointment to discuss any unresolved issues.
If you have any concerns about a child, please contact Shaun Acharya as soon as possible on 0208 806 5446. If Shaun is unavailable, please speak to Salima or Norma Hewins.
We are an open and welcoming school where we value supportive relationships between parents, carers, teachers and support staff.
You can contact any staff member at the school by emailing and writing their name in the subject line. We will forward messages to them. If you are not sure of the name of the staff member that you would like to contact, please call the reception team on 0208 806 5446.